One Crazy Year
This has been a crazy year. Nevertheless, I have been amazed by how differently everyone has been experiencing it. I know a lot of people who have complained this year that nothing has happened. No vacations. No conferences. No nothing (I apologize, but sometimes a double negative just sounds appropriate). However, I feel like just the opposite is true. Yes, we haven't gone on holiday. Yes, I wasn't at any events. But, yes, this year everything has been different. Although many of these things have been stressful for me, they have also pushed me to see things from a different perspective.
What Would Santa Do?
One morning while talking with my children about Christmas, I began to think about what Santa would be feeling and seeing this year. So together with my children, we brainstormed what life would be like at the North Pole in the midst of such a chaotic year. It was fascinating to hear the children's perspective of how Santa would react to the Covid19 epidemic. Of course, they were worried about Santa's safety. He's rather old, and children know already that it would not be good for an elderly person to get the coronavirus. In addition, my kids expected that a lot of the same things that they experience, must happen at the North Pole, too.
Elves watching kids on Zoom |
Soon, it was clear to me that there was a story to be told. How would Christmas look this year for Santa? I sat down at my computer and didn't leave until I hadn't written the entire text to A Very Corona Christmas. Every few minutes one of my children would come in and ask me if I was finished. I would have to read to them how far I was and then they gave me their input on what I had already written. Soon, I got a lot of, "Mom, you have to add this..." and "Don't forget to add this..." I also got critique now and then, too. If it weren't for my kids, this story would have never happened. Once again, I am thankful for their inspiration and great ideas.
Santa baking bread during lockdown |
A Very Corona Christmas
Once my story was done, I sat back and thought about what I wanted to do next. I realized that this book should be published. Children this year really need something to look forward to. They deserve to have a great Christmas.
A Very Corona Christmas would be perfect to remind kids that Santa would never let them down, even during a pandemic. Nevertheless, I needed illustrations. It was already mid-October. I knew, I would need to have the entire project finished in about 7-10 days. I honestly didn't know if that would even be possible. The illustrations for
Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain took me most of a year. Was I crazy to try to illustrate a book in a week?
Santa-tizer on Santa's new sleigh
I decided that I was going to at least try. I started sketching. Then I googled Santas and elves and sketched some more. I looked at some other illustrators that I really enjoy. I love Laura Numeroff's books, such as
If you Give A Mouse a Cookie, and how the illustrations pop out of the white background. I also enjoy Benji Davies characters and their simplicity. Personally, I also think that good illustrations tell a story that the text cannot tell by itself and have little jokes that only adults might understand (as long as they are child-friendly, of course). David Shannon is a perfect example of this. Although I have a tendency to get too detailed, I really concentrated this time on trying to make the illustrations simple and not to over-think. I knew I didn't have much time and I wanted the story to shine through.
Santa reading a letter from the President
9 exhausting days later, my book was finished. I hit the publish button and off it was sent to the big library in the clouds. This time I even surprised myself. I hadn't realized that I was capable of writing, illustrating, and publishing a book in 8 days. This year has been crazy and has pushed me in a way that I didn't know was possible. Life is short. There is no time to waste. If you have an idea, it's time to make it happen.
A Very Corona Christmas is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.