The original meaning behind A little Donnerwetter is a play on words. Donnerwetter means both "Thunderstorm" in German and is used as a saying for children which means "Oh, my goodness!" Since my last name is Donner, I really liked the name.
A little Donnewetter began back in November of 2009 shortly after the birth of my first son Jonas. For the first time in over ten years, I wasn't working outside the home. Ok, having a baby is also time consuming and tiring and it is work, but in a good way. I love being a mom, and I'll take changing a dirty diaper over firing someone any day. I found that as a mom, you can also do a lot of multi-tasking while watching a little one and I began to get creative again making things for my new baby.
Now already over ten years later I have three beautiful boys, have published five children's books, and A Little Donnerwetter Blog is still going strong.