After we came back from the US last Christmas, all my son Jonas
wanted to eat was Kraft Mac and Cheese. Unfortunately,
the few packets we had brought along didn’t last forever. And, even though I was thrilled that Jonas
finally ate pasta, he refused to eat any other pasta that you put in front of him.
I decided I was going to try to duplicate Kraft. I soon got the taste down, and found mini
macaroni, but I couldn’t get that infamous yellow color.
Jonas is a very picky eater.
For the past two years it has been almost impossible to get him to eat
any vegetables whatsoever, not even carrots (Thankfully, he eats fruit). Adding
sweet potatoes to the mac and cheese killed two birds with one stone. I finally got that bright yellow color and I
got to sneak in some valuable vitamins and minerals into Jonas’s diet.
This simple sweet potato recipe has become Jonas’s
favorite. Over time, I have increased
the sweet potato without any negative repurcussions. My first successful recipe contained
Velveeta. However, Jonas often
complained of a stomachache after eating it and when I added shredded real
cheese instead, his tummy aches disappeared.
One day I found a leftover packet of Kraft Mac and Cheese. I made if for Jonas thinking he would be
thrilled to have the original again. He
didn’t want it and asked for mine. I
couldn’t ask for a better complement.
Here's the Recipe:
Simple Sweet Potato Mac and Cheese
2 C Milk
1 t salt
1 1/2 T sugar
2 T butter
2 T flour
½ to 1 C Sweet Potato puree
1 C shredded cheese
1 C macaroni noodles
1. In a frying pan, melt the Add flour and mix until the flour is
thoroughly dissolved in the butter.
butter. Add milk and while stirring constantly, bring just to a boil
and remove from heat.
2. Add sweet potato puree, cheese, sugar, and salt. Mix until smooth.
3. Add cooked macaroni noodles to the frying pan. Use a spatula to mix noodles with sauce until
completely covered. Give Mac and Cheese to kids and wait for them to say,