Friday, January 24, 2020

Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain Coloring Book

I received my proofs from Amazon today for Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain along with Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain Coloring Book. It is really exciting after so much hard work, to be able to finally hold these books in my hands.

Here is an example from Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain Coloring Book. Since all of the illustrations in the book began as simple linocuts before they were transformed with watercolor and a bit of Photoshop, making a coloring book made a lot of sense. I am really thrilled with the results and I can't wait to test out this proof copy on my kids.

The best thing about making a coloring book? You get to ask the best questions to go with the pictures.

If you could design a planet, how would it look? or, What would your space train look like?

I hope that some children take the time to send me in their colored pictures as I can't wait to see some of the imaginative ideas that are out there.

Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain and Little Jack Thomson's Magnificent Brain Coloring Book will be available on Amazon soon. I'll keep you informed!

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