The past two weeks, my children have asked a lot of questions
about what the Coronavirus is, how it travels, where it came from, whether their grandparents will be okay, and why they
can’t go to school. Sometimes their questions are really complex and I realize
just how much their little brains are trying to wrap their heads around what is
going on. My husband and I are trying to limit the amount of negative
Coronavirus talk that we do in front of them. They don’t need to know how many
people died in Italy today or worry about whether the British health system
will fall apart. However, they do want the big picture and a lot of the info
about the Coronavirus is way to abstract for a small child to understand.
Last weekend, while all of these thoughts were circulating in my
head, I had a moment of inspiration. An idea for a picture book popped into my
head and wouldn’t leave me alone. As always when I get some crazy, creative
idea, my brain became obsessed with it and the following day I spent every
second I could get writing, tearing paper and scanning and then threw everything
into Photoshop and InDesign. What became of this is a story called The Day the
Lines Changed.
Carefree and happy, the green line
lives together with her family, goes to school during the week, and on weekends
visits the town square. Then one day some of the orange and purple lines begin
to turn crooked and suddenly, everything is different for the green line and
her family. Just as the green line begins to worry if her own family might turn
crooked, one line makes a fantastic discovery which changes the lives of the
lines forever.
Excerpt from book: first page |
sending around the story to some family and friends, and getting positive
feedback, I decided I needed to share it with others. I realized that teachers,
parents, and caregivers need resources right now to help them explain to
children what a pandemic is, while still giving children a much needed positive
view of the future. Therefore, I hope that this story will help to make those
difficult conversations with children about the Coronavirus at the moment a
little bit easier.
Excerpt: beginning of book |
family has been very lucky. My husband has a job that has not been affected
much by the lockdown. Although I find trying to do a full time Masters while
homeschooling my kids at the same kitchen table difficult, I understand that
many others have far worse things to deal with at the moment. I can’t imagine
how hard it must be for so many people affected by personal loss or dealing
with financial insecurity. I would feel very uncomfortable making a profit from
this book. Therefore, I have decided to
give 100% of the profits through the end of April to Covid-19 charities.
Excerpt: middle of book |
appreciate all of the support from those who read my blog. Could you please
help me in getting the word out and post to your social media about The Day the
Lines Changed. It is currently on most Amazon marketplaces (see links below)
we can help to make this time a bit easier for children to process, ease their
worries, and let them enjoy just being young.