Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flashcards of Family Members

Since my husband is German, our families are in two parts of the world. So that Jonas can remember who everybody is, I decided to make flashcards of family members with their photos. He's still a bit too young to recognize everyone, but that doesn't seem to bother him. He already loves the daddy flashcard and enjoys putting the flashcards all around the room.

How to:

Print out 5 x 7's of family members (crop the pictures so that it is just the heads). Paste photos onto construction paper. Then laminate and cut out. Finally, punch a hold in the corner so that you can easily put all of the cards on a shower curtain ring. Done!

1 comment:

kristin said...

well, hello kelly. : )

i love this makes me want to incorporate it into preschool life.